🥇 CYRUS aims to extend an innovative Quality Assurance system, built by D-Cube, able to identify and categorize extrusion production defects in real-time and alert the extrusion controller to proceed in corrective actions.
💡 Which companies are involved in this project?
▶️ D-Cube is an ICT spin-off company of the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, located in Thessaloniki Technology Park. The main domains of expertise include Image and Video Processing, Motion Capturing, 3D Reconstruction and Mixed reality, Machine (deep) Learning, Web and Mobile Application Development and Cloud IaaS services.
▶️ Ingenno Design is a Berlin-based design company providing high-end creative and strategic consulting services to clients pursuing innovation through physical and digital design & development.
💡 More about this experiment, please find on: https://diatomic.eu/index.php/pull-experiments/cyrus/